Thursday, August 7, 2014

This or That Tag!

1. Audio or Book in hand? Book in hand

2. Soft cover or Hardback? Softcover/Paperback

3. Fiction or Non-Fiction? Fiction

4. Fantasy world or Real life issuses? Fantasy world

5. Harry Potter or Twilight? Harry Potter

6. Kindle, Ipad or other? I would like to get a Kindle

7. Borrow or Buy? Borrow from the library because I don't have money to spend all the time

8. Bookstore or Online? Bookstore

9. Tell me one time or total trilogy? I like standalone

10. Monster reads or short and sweet? short and sweet but not to short, like 300 pages

11. Starry eyed romance or Action-Packed? Action-Packed

12. Curl up in your snuggie or bathe in the sun? Curl up under my blankets

13. Hot Chocolate or latted? Hot Chocolate

14. Read the review or decide for yourself? Decide for myself

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